Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week 6 EOC: Items that describe me

I'd say the three items that describe me is my iPad, My Watches, and My Extensive Blu ray Collection. I chose these three items because all of these are valuable to my everyday life. 

My iPad is for many things. I use my iPad to do homework, look things up, and even write my scripts when I have free time. If it weren't for my iPad, I probably would not know what to do to pass the time by. There are just so many things I could do with it including communicating with friends, connecting on social media, and even catching up on some shows I missed over the weekend. That is why I feel my iPad is indeed a big part of me.

Another part of me is my watches. I have never owned a watch as a child and growing up I always felt a man should have one. As soon as I got my first job I bought a watch, as time went on I expanded my collection and always have a watch to wear to an event, work, or just casual day off.

The last item or items I should say is my Blu ray collection. As a film student and professional I constantly look back at my favorite films for inspiration. It has become a big part of my life to watch films and constantly look for more films to add to my collection. 

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